Emmerich's eyes widened, then he slumped back in his chair. He didn't question her, not even to ask to see the crest. For a time, he seemed to be silently processing, then a smile appeared on his face. The man started to laugh jovially, as if he'd heard a real knee slapper. "Ah, that is... Alphin, that is just like you," He said, coughing a little bit from shortness of breath. "No... I suppose that isn't a surprise, really," Emmerich said. "I want to tell you a story. It is of the first time I visited this village... When I wasn't a militia commander, but instead was the attendant to a foolish prince with a case of wanderlust and... Well, other lusts as well." He said. ~~~22 Years Ago~~~ "Well, your majesty, we're here." The young soldier sighed. "I suppose you're going to-" "Hey, hey, hey, hold on!" The soldier's companion said, seeming very laid back compared to the soldier. "Come on, I'm here to just relax. You know, be a regular guy, not... That. It's not your majesty, or young master, or prince long as we're in this village. I'm just Al, okay, Emm?" He asked. The soldier sighed. "Very well... Al... I'll acquiesce to your requests." He said. "Jeez, no need to be so stiff about things. You need to get laid, buddy." "That's hardly behavior one should be engaging in when they have to be babysitting a manchild such as yourself." The soldier sighed. "You only say that because you're an unbearable stiff, now let's get to exploring. This is Prima, a rustic town in the countryside! It's so lively compared to back home!" Al said with a smile. "It's filthy here, I'm fairly certain I saw animal droppings in the middle of the road." Emm sighed. "See, that's what I'm talking about, calling you a stiff! You can't have a little fun! Always business." "I'd rather be always business then see you injured." Emm retorted. "Bah, easy come, easy go," Al said with a smile, looking at a young woman in a low cut dress with a whistle and a smile. "Hey, I've got an idea. We're friends, right?" He asked. "You're my liege, not my-" "Yeah, yeah," Al said. "So we're friends. So let's get a portrait done!" He said, dragging the slightly taller man over to a man with an easel. "How much for two copies of a portrait of me and my friend here?" With that, the two began their explorations of Prima. The paintings done by an artist who knew not of the significance of the mark on the young man's arm, the two met a number of people, Al dragging Emm throughout, the shorter man enjoying the festivities of a harvest party, while the taller continued to act as alert as possible. As the sun set, Al had a woman on his arm as he approached his comrade. "Hey, Emm," The young man said, smiling and a little red in the face. "This sweet maid and I are going to spend the night together, yea? I told her about the capital and well... We got excited." "Ugh... I pray you didn't say too much, and I pray you not tell me any further." Emmerich said, shaking his head as he turned away. "Just... Do me a favor, and stay at this tavern." He sighed, all too familiar with Al's escapades. "Haha! What'd I say, is he a hoot or what?" Al laughed as he led the woman to his room. ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ Emmerich smiled. "I suppose it makes sense though," he said to Katherine. "You'd seemed somewhat familiar when I first saw you, 12 years ago... And when Felix told me about your mother's story... About how she'd married to preserve her honor, and that you and your father knew that he was not your true father... But I never asked." He said. The old soldier closed his eyes. "... This is very good to know... Miss... No, Lady Katherine... You're likely the last surviving heir to the throne of Iris... Your very existence might be able to save this country from disarray..." He sat back in his seat. "That said... It may be better for you if... We just didn't have this conversation. It is your choice... You may act with this knowledge or bury it. If you wish it, this will be our secret... If not... I will make the necessary preparations. Again, the choice is yours."