[@KoL] [@TheWindel] And to anyone else who wants to read or cares to read. I have been a disappointment up until this moment. I am sorry. Words may mean little at this stage, but even if no one reads it, I want to... well let's call it a rant. I am still invested in this story and wish to continue participating in it. I want to see it continue. I enjoy Alex and Jukebox and would wish to continue playing as them. I like the story that can be told in this world and want to see it continue as I have some idea as to the direction it is headed and it excites me. I agree with the potential that I have squandered and don't want to see the relationships however tenuous or just plain fictional that no one else may care about fade to nothing. Because I [i]do[/i] care. It may not [i]seem [/i]like it as I rarely if ever interact in the OOC, but I do. I care about this RP. It's the one that got me to stick around the Guild. You can call it trite or saccharine or even not believe me, but I do. I don't want DGO to fail, I don't want this RP die. /end rant of the Goddamn Iris