[@Smystar99] Alright I like the character lets fix lore stuff. [b]Rank: Paladin of Assassination-[/b] Okay so this is my bad, She's either a Paladin of Shadows or a Paladin of Sight. I'll detail the various orders within the Tower soon I promise. Basically the members that fall into the Order of Shadows serve the NPC Ralrisk, The Mistress of Shadows she runs the Towers spy network and covert operations. The Order of Sight is a group that are devoted to identifying and eliminating threats to the Tower before they can come to fruition. They are basically the Towers watch dog and as part of that their Paladins will often kill those plotting against the tower before they ever do anything. [b]In Elven culture she was a sin, to human beings she was a monster. Most half bloods like her are killed or hidden away.[/b] So Elves are a kind of Elder Sidhe and its not strictly forbidden for them to have relations with Humans though it would be reasonable for a particular clan to have a prejudice against humans. So you should detail the clan in question. They will need to be from a particular court (Summer, Winter, Autumn or Spring) and then you will need some history for them. [b]God relations: Is thought to be a relative of the goddess Pax, the goddess of peace.[/b] Please pick from the god list in the Codex. Stay away from the Twilight Council since the Fae don't associate with the Stygian Empire largely. I recommend a female aspect of Exandar. This will also need some detailing on your part since Galendar boasts a lot of different aspects for the gods that are occasionally worshiped by different groups so an aspect of Exandar that focuses on peace is not too much of a stretch. [b]Tech: An implant in the head that affects the eyes, this enables her to perdict movements, channel magical energy, and look up information in her own mind in the matter of seconds.[/b] could you give a little more detail than this? I like the idea but I'd like to flesh it out just a little more. my only other thought on the character is that I'd like to see you develop her history in character a little more. Maybe who her parents were, is the clan shes from still after her? you dont need to include it in the character sheet just keep it in mind IC And no, that was excitement I like the character.