Before anyone asks, the GM has confirmed that all of the below is acceptable. [hider=Champion of the Order] [img][/img] (Ignore the massive green sword, and pretend there are more blue and gold highlights, with the Order's cross on the breastplate. Under the armour, he has light skin, dark messy hair, stoic green eyes, a stern jawline, and a built-up physique, complete with generic Order robes.) [b]Name:[/b] Marxello Catchanale, a.k.a. Mark [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Magic/Abilities/Equipment:[/b] As a Hero, Mark is favoured by the gods themselves, the Chief God in particular. As such, his physique alone is enough to overpower the average [i]mamono[/i], and the sturdy armour he wears and his general knowledge of most types of monster is generally sufficient protection against physical means of seduction, be they brute force or aphrodisiac manipulation. On top of this, he bears a variety of spirit-based spells able to further enhance his abilities, as well as granting more obviously holy powers such as healing damage, purging toxic substances, and bursts or blasts of white light, amongst others. These are greatly enhanced by his weapon, a heavily-enchanted sword that has first had four uncorrupted elemental spirits placed into it, then been flooded with spirit energy afterwards, contained within the weapon to hide its energy signature from monsters and with the capacity to recover spirit energy far more efficiently than even a man's soul. Consequently, this sword has two main effects: to allow Mark to wield the four types of elemental magic as if he were an elemental covenanter in his own right, so long as the sword is on his person; and to grant Mark an excess well of spirit energy in combat, which amongst other things has its uses in making sure his soul and the blade itself remains pure and cleansed of demonic energy. Speaking of which, this leads to the final and most important aspect of Mark's loadout, a spell pair developed by his local Order which essentially seeks to reverse the effects of demonic corruption on the level of the soul. First, a suitable piercing tool is charged with spirit energy and the appropriate spell, before being stabbed at the target in question; the object will pierce past the physical container and into the metaphysical aspect of a being that is their soul, dealing no actual damage, though inflicting rather a lot of pain. This prompts the spirit energy in the impaling object to latch on to and consume any demonic energy, generating more spirit energy that repeats the process until all demonic energy has been converted into spirit energy, and in turn imbuing the target with the capacity to generate spirit energy as if they were a human man. Once the impaling object is removed, the metaphysical injury to their soul closes. The target is not usually rendered physically different by the spell (it leaves them as a human if they were human, and as a monster if they were a monster), but their soul is now essentially human either way - the unnatural lust instilled by the purged demonic energy is eradicated, and the being's persona is generally rendered far more stable than before, though if they are biologically inclined toward violence or lust anyway, the effects may be slightly less obvious, and they are not immune to the effects of being turned into an incubus or pseudo-incubus in the future, granted that they may still become corrupted as if they were a human man. If need be, an optional step can be taken to bind the target's soul to the caster's, letting them draw from one another's spirit energy for spellcasting purposes and to cleanse demonic taint, or in dangerous cases to shackle the target's will to the caster's outright, forcing them to obey orders as necessary. [b]Personality:[/b] Evidently, Mark is not naturally inclined toward working with most monsters, and is not best pleased by current circumstances. However, he does not exactly hate them, either, given the somewhat more tolerant nature of his home nation; rather, he feels that even the weakest monster has quite a bit of potential to serve both humans and monsters in their current forms, yet it is wasted thanks to the inherent lustfulness that most monstergirls feel, and that in turn is forced upon humans, and even the other demi-human races. Therefore, he is most likely, when in a situation involving large numbers of [i]mamono,[/i] to try and convince them to let him alter their souls to that human state, in an effort to both improve their own lives and to negate the indefinite threat that their breeding patterns pose to future generations. Other than this, he tries his best to be understanding, though he consequently enjoys sharpening his wit on those who he fundamentally disagrees with. [b]Background:[/b] Far back in his past, in the Order Kingdom of Andrale, Mark was inspired to Herodom not because of any particular sexual repression, but because a gang of goblins and hobgoblins from the neighbouring Demon Realm of Lothipty struck his home town. Hidden alongside the rest of his family in the cellar beneath his home, he didn't fully comprehend what had occurred until several years after the fact, but even then noticed the destruction wrought upon the buildings by the marauders, and in particular the distinct reduction of menfolk in the town, those who had tried and failed to defend their own homes as well as their fellows. Thus, he purged his heart of fear, began to practice with whatever weapons he could find, and at the age of twenty travelled to the capital city of Greater Andrale, applying to become a Hero, and in particular a member of the Order of Holy Knights, the military arm of the Order of the Chief God, for the sake of his nation. As it happened, he was good at what he did. Very good, in fact - no more than a decade passed before he found himself to be one of the strongest of the Order in Andrale, and therefore one of those to be regularly sent out to deal with monsterkind, and eventually granted a powerful enchanted blade to further his role. Though his aspirations did not quite extend to destroying the Demon Lord at the time, futile a gesture as that seemed to be, he felt that whatever he could do to stop the monsters in his local area would be another step toward preserving humanity and their allies, even if it meant destroying the monsters in turn... and for the threat they posed, and the lack of ability to change them back, it did. Until the day it didn't. An idea had been struck upon a few years before Mark's arrival, and it had taken this long to bear fruit, but finally, a nameless spell was produced, really a prototype of a spell, whose sole purpose was to turn away the corrupting effects of demonic energy. In other words, an effort to render a soul human, if not an already-warped body. Plenty of the Order's knights were entrusted to wield this spell, and consequently ordered to head out, defeat a monster, use the spell upon them, and bring the monster back to the Order's headquarters. In Marxello's case, he headed toward the border between Andrale and Lothipty, for he'd heard tales of a particular monster, a salamander, who was either violently murdering or violently raping entire villages in her quest for a challenge. Naturally, the tales were exaggerated, though she had been fighting the menfolk of these villages and towns, and had apparently decided none were a good match for her. Mark ultimately proved to be that match - after a close fight, Mark's magical abilities won out over the raw physicality of the [i]mamono[/i], and he promptly purged her soul of demonic taint, much to his foe's chagrin and anger. A week later, and they returned to the Order HQ, where various tests were performed to ensure Syzi had, in fact, been purged properly... including insistence upon the idea that, as her reproductive functions may also have been modified, they too needed to be tested by somebody. Though the Lizard-type monster was keen on this testing, Mark was more reluctant, even after both were sent forth on additional missions, both by themselves and with teams of other knights and converted monsters. The constant worry in Mark's mind was that co-operation in these tests felt very much like fraternising with the enemy to him, whether or not Syzi counted in that regard; surely, sooner or later, another Order nation would declare Andrale to be heretics, or monster sympathisers, or worse things than that, but pariahs of the Order in any case. And would these altered [i]mamono[/i] turn out to simply be temporary fixes - would their inherent monster-ness rather than the demonic energy they had indulged in prove to turn Andrale into an extension of Lothipty, rather than remaining its own unmonsterised realm? Though evidence suggested this was false, he continued to consider it well after the thought first entered his mind. He was still worrying himself when Bartholomew Barker visited Andrale, strolling into the Order HQ and asking for whatever knights they could spare, if they didn't mind. For whatever reason, he felt the presence of the Order in his guild would legitimise it, despite the acknowledged presence of rather more regular monstergirls than Andrale had been generating- at least, that was Mark's theory on the matter. Either way, much deliberation was had, and Mark was eventually convinced to head out to the location, with Syzi in tow, so as to see if they couldn't begin spreading both the presence of purified monsters and the purification spell itself to the wider world, as Andrale's Order would eventually need to do if they wanted to ensure their efforts were not wasted. [b]Favourite Monstergirl:[/b] The one that's the least rapey. So I guess the Cupid or Houri. [/hider]