[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ETCUzUf.png[/img][/center] [b]"Then travel safely. Your old boat will be located about a mile south from where you left it."[/b] The greatmothers sounded a little disappointed, but Charlotte was allowed to leave the room gracefully. Cait gave the black haired woman a nervous smile, unsure of what was happening although she managed to gather enough to make a simple statement. [color=orangered]"Travel safely and may you have many friends."[/color] The curtains closed behind charlotte, and Aislinn waited at the end of the hallway. If Charlotte tried to reenter at the moment she would find herself unable to do so. [color=pink]"Charlotte? Where is Cait?"[/color] The girl had a slightly guilty look on her face although she seemed somewhat hopeful as the black haired woman was leaving. However it did not seem like the alchemist had any intention of stopping at the moment.