[color=fff79a][h3][center]~???~[/center][/h3][/color] It was a typical day in the forest. Nothing too out of the ordinary that Aislinn would have noticed as she blundered through the forest, trying to use a stick as a makeshift implement to fight off invisible foes. There was even a pleasant early summer breeze blowing. The young native wouldn't have seen Charlotte all week - the Alchemist had holed herself up in her cave for whatever reason, and had elected not to leave at all. Whatever she was studying, she seemed intent on not getting any sun like usual. As Aislinn moved through the forest, eventually she would become aware of someone else standing not too far away. The other girl was tall, and definitely not from around the continent if her clothing were anything to go by. A long white sleeveless dress with red slippers and a small red cloak thrown over her shoulders. She had incredibly long near white colored hair, and a strand of purple flowers were woven into it. The most notable thing, however, was a black iron metal ring on her ankle, that had a number of bandages under it. [hider=Someone else][img]https://safebooru.org//samples/1744/sample_26b8c98e6c848e12fff0dd2ebf54f4ae7186d73d.jpg?1824617[/img][/hider] [color=fff79a]"Hehe, hello little birdy."[/color] She said to a tiny bird that had landed on her finger. She still hadn't seemed to have noticed Aislinn yet.