[@KoL] "a veritable rain of lasers fell over KC-00032, bombarding the possessed Machina who dared fight against their Queen's commands" I took "rain" to mean "A whole lot to the point you can't dodge or escape, like the rain" and "over KC-00032" to mean "over all of KC-00032, so the corrupted machina that are in other battlefields, or maybe in the angel fortress, are fine". I really can't seem to get it right with your area attacks, I always play them as too weak and you get irritated about me ignoring them, or too strong and you get irritated about me dying. Regardless, doesn't matter, my plan for using them would have been fun, but ultimately wouldn't have changed anything. It would have just established that the base had anti-port measures, and that there were ways around said anti-port measures. I was going to have used corrupted machina to damage the anti-port measures and then port in, but given there aren't any, it'd just be pointless setting fluff.