[hider=Hueco] [center]Appearance: A young looking, black haired man, with tan skin. Oddly, his hair almost resembles cat ears at the right angle. Non-human features include a long black tail.[/center] [b]Name:[/b] [indent]Hueco[/indent] [b]Age:[/b] [indent]77, looks to be in his 20s at least though.[/indent] [b]Aegis Type:[/b] [indent]Coder[/indent] [b]Weapon/Abilities/Drone:[/b] [indent]HIVE.DRN: A drone taking the form or a dodecahedron, with a hole located on each side. From this Hive, Hueco can command an army of small, insect like pseudo-drones, that can be used to attack enemies or mesh together into a simple weapon in case enemies get too close. While the insects and weapons they can form aren't too strong, they can easily defeat weaker Viruses and provide Hueco with enough protection to defend himself from any viruses that slip past his protectors. Their most useful application though is their ability to scout out areas without the need for Hueco to be there. They do have limited range though. The Hive itself has a mind of its own as many drones do, but doesn't speak often, only stating facts and observations about the area, such as what its pseudo-drones gather.[/indent] [b]Personality:[/b] [indent]Hueco is a inquisitive one, the type of person to survey the situation before acting, seeing himself as a lover of knowledge, leftovers from his previous purpose. Somewhat nervous and finds it hard to approach others, he prefers to work alone unless forced to go on a team. Behind his nervousness, he is friendly and determined to achieve his goals or fight for the safety of Lifeline. He sees his actions within Aegis as the right thing to do and holds true to his loyalty to them. As for his views on the viruses, he finds them interesting, but knows they can't be reasoned with.[/indent] [b]Background:[/b] [indent]Hueco was created as a living index. Created to search information in his original server in the blink of an eye. After hearing about a neighboring server was attacked by the Virus Force, he decided to join Aegis, in order to preserve any data and prevent the loss of any further data. He choose the role of Coder, finding it less stressful than being on the frontline and because it gave him the opportunity to gather old world data. Years past and he didn't stray from his path as a Coder. Friends came and went, some being slain by the viruses, some retiring, and others simply joining different squads, but Hueco never once split off from his goals; to fight for and support the Soldiers of Aegis and hopefully, once and for all, delete the Virus menace from Life Line. [/indent] [/hider]