So as you can see, I did not update this on Friday as I predicted. Yeah. After I updated everything else on the site, my sickness hit me hard again, then yesterday was devoted to completely cleaning up the apartment and shampooing the carpet now that we've had all our treatment for bed bugs. Today has been worse, as we discovered the bugs didn't come from the hospital, as we originally believed. No, they came from my old roommate/best friend. The same one that was staying in my mother's basement temporarily until she got her own place. So guess where else the bugs have spread? Yeeeeeeeeah. I've spent all day moving her shit from my mom's to a storage unit and helping clean that (very large) house up, and we're just now getting to do our own laundry. So yeah, that's where I've been and the kind of weekend I've been having. Bottom line, going to try having my update for all three teams up tomorrow at lunch, as I go back to work from my leave time.