@Melonhead - Just pointing out one thing; the Archivist was running straight forward towards Fuchsia. Which means that even if he was aiming for the dirt behind him, which he wasn't, the rocket would still come straight towards the Archivist. - I have no issue with him dodging it, of course. But he's going to have to do so. When he does, keep in mind that the rockets will self-destruct if they get close enough to do some damage. So if he's Matrix dodging it, it's going to blow up in his face, if he's moving out of it's path entirely (by two-three meters) he'll be safe and sound. I don't know if the Archivist has the ability to stick to the ground with his legs, but if he does, you probably want to mention that in your post as well, if not, well, the 140kg spider is probably going to be pulled into the air by the upwards force Fuchsia put into his jump. And if I wanted to be really really nitpicky; Fuchsia is wearing pants, seeing his muscles (of which he has little to show) would be kind of hard. It is, however, very obvious that he's about to jump, so I really have no issue with the Archivist identifying it as such ^_^