[hider=History of Rift Wars] [img]http://k31.kn3.net/9/6/4/3/5/4/A50.jpg[/img] Twenty five years ago, thirty miles coast of Honolulu was when the first rift appeared. A portal to another universe, or rifts as they were later named allowed creatures from alternate realities to enter our world. The United States Navy and Air force engaged the other worldly invaders for weeks, support from Japan, China, and the United nations managed to drive them back into the rift. The rift closed soon after, with over twenty ships lost and two hundred aircraft destroyed the battle marked the beginning of what would come to be known as the Rift War. The creatures that exited these rifts appear to resemble demons, dragons, and other cultural myths. They proved themselves devastating foes, even against superior weaponry they still concentrated fire to bring down. [img]http://pre13.deviantart.net/ab34/th/pre/f/2009/111/f/2/dragon_vs_soldiers_by_andreewallin.jpg[/img] This lead to the theory that this was not the first time rifts had opened on Earth. That somehow, a much less advanced culture had defeated and seal the rifts. That was why these creatures were so storied on Earth, naturally at dig sites around the work began to find something to link these invaders to our past. This is how the relic tablets were discovered, stones from this other world, engraved in an indecipherable text. The script upon them appeared impossible to read, until a ten year old whose father had been studying the stones saw it. He spoke the words written upon, their at his side appear a creature from beyond our own world a Hell hound straight out myth. Yet it did only as the boy asked and other seemed more like a pet than an animal. With the child himself gaining pyromancy, control and creating fire at will. The stones were linked to children, who whether through belief or some other property were able to connect with the creatures. They called it the Summoner Gene, a gift that roughly five percent of Earth's children have. Quickly older children, teenagers were found to have these abilities and begged for aid in this war, they agreed and began to train themselves for battle. [img]https://lwpatricks.files.wordpress.com/2012/10/digital_cg_art_wallpaper_marek_okon_02.jpeg[/img] Able to command and summon a partner creature, the summon also gained access to weapons or abilities related to there summons own elemental type. With these summons, and there teenage partners, the Rift Wars came to a swift end. The monsters unable to establish a foothold retreated, yet now with these new powers the world quaked in fear. What could these summoners become? Would they fight for Governments? Or would they attempt to destroy them. The United Nations came together declaring instead of giving the teenagers back to their parents nations that the war heroes would become teachers. The UN had uncovered thousands of these stones, with more found around the world it became apparent that they would need prepare those with the Summoner Gene to defend themselves and create a police force capable of going after unregistered and dangerous summoners. [/hider] Aether Bridge Academy, a school for those gifted with the Summoner Gene. This is the only school in entire world where those with the gift of summoning are not seen as freaks or living weapons. They are children, here to learn and master their abilities. Of course some students choose to go down the path of violence, learning to fight and competing the grand duels. They master combat and magic, becoming defenders traveling the world finding others with the summoners gene and stopping those who would abuse this gift. The school itself is based on the Hawaiian island of Moloka'i, a once perfect and untouched island. It became a staging ground for human forces during the early Rift Wars. The UN placed the academy here dedicating it to those who died fighting the alien menace. However, the stillness and peace of the island means that students feel safe and may take trips to Honolulu by ferry to shop and interact with others. Otherwise general education course take up up only half the day throughout the week, with students using the remaining time in the combat program, the adjustment program, or the teaching program. However the secondary courses only occur on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Giving two free afternoons for students to travel or relax, weekends are left free and the Ferry is open to all on Saturdays. [img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-WgnoGfBDwD8/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAAY/JQfGKv9bbxI/w800-h800/photo.jpg[/img] The school campus is not only dedicated to the student but also to researchers and weapon development for future combat against summoners and inter-dimensional beings. The west wing is devoted to student dorm rooms, cafeterias, and recreational rooms. The East wing houses classes and research labs, testing environments are in the basement of the East wing and strictly guarded. Out in front of the school and the two arenas, training halls where students may duel with other students able to watch and take notes. Medics are on standby twenty four seven in case severe injury. [hr] Basically the story here is simple, a past multiverse conflict has thrust magic into public view and those who can control it are called summoners. Their summon gifts them abilities as they tap into the energies from the world which the summoned creature resides in. Those who can perform a summon naturally have the ability to summon elemental shielding around them, protecting them from harm temporarily. They also gain an elemental powers based off the summon element. As students you'll be forced to contend with high school, puberty, the fact you're a weapon of mass destruction, and have to take care of a summon. Of course that is not all. You'll find out more on why they choose to build a school so close the original rift site. Any questions feel free to ask I'm currently just looking to see people are at all interested in this idea!