[b]Character Name:[/b] Renalyssa [b]Class & Level:[/b] Sorcerer (Draconic Bloodline) / Warlock (The Great Old One) [b]Race:[/b] Human (Varient) [b]Background:[/b] Outlander [b]Alignment:[/b] Neutral Good [b]Experience Points[/b] 900 [b][u]Abilities & Modifiers[/u][/b] [b]Strength:[/b] 16 (+3) [b]Dexterity:[/b] 18 (+4) [b]Constitution:[/b] 16 (+3) [b]Intelligence:[/b] 11 (0) [b]Wisdom:[/b] 16 +(3) [b]Charisma:[/b] 18 (+4) [b][u]Skills[/u][/b] [b]Acrobatics:[/b] 4 [b]Animal Handling:[/b] 4* [b]Arcana:[/b] 5* [b]Athletics:[/b] 3 [b]Deception:[/b] 4 [b]History:[/b] 0 [b]Insight:[/b] 6* [b]Intimidation:[/b] 4 [b]Investigation:[/b] 0 [b]Medicine:[/b] 3 [b]Nature:[/b] 3 [b]Perception:[/b] 6* [b]Performance:[/b] 5* [b]Persuasion:[/b] 5* [b]Religion:[/b] 0 [b]Sleight of Hand:[/b] 5* [b]Stealth:[/b] 5* [b]Survivial:[/b] 4* [b]Armor Class:[/b] 17 [b]Hit Point Maximum/Current Hit Points:[/b] 36 [b]Personality Traits:[/b] - I was raised by a Dragon. My knowledge of social formalities is limited. - I am driven by a wanderlust that lead me away from home. [b]Ideals:[/b] - I protect the innocent and believe everyone has a greater purpose, including myself. [b]Bonds:[/b] - I live my life within the guidance of my teachings. Honor means more than life. [b]Flaws:[/b] - I am too enamored by wine, ale and other intoxicants. - I have a love of gems and will horde them. [b]Features &Traits:[/b] Awakened Mind- Speak telepathically to a creature (range 30 feet). Draconic Resilience- +1 HP/level, unarmored AC 13 + DEX modifier. Eldritch Invocation: Agonizing Blast- Add CHA modifier to eldritch blast spell damage. Eldritch Invocation: Devil's Sight- See normally in magical and nonmagical darkness (range 120 feet). Tough Feat- 2 extra HP per level Wanderer- Your memory of maps, geography, settlements, and terrain is excellent. You can find fresh food and water for you and 5 other people. [b]Equipment/Money:[/b] - Dagger x4 - Traveling Cloths - Bedroll - Crystal Arcane Focus [b]Other Proficiencies & Languages:[/b] Common, Draconic, Elvish, Giant Tool Prof. Musical Instrument (Flute) Psychic damage resistance [b]Character Appearance (picture required):[/b] [Hider][img]http://i.imgur.com/Mb8X3KK.png[/img][/hider] [b]Age:[/b] 32 [b]Height:[/b] 5'8" [b]Weight:[/b] 134 lbs [b]Eyes:[/b] Green [b]Skin:[/b] Tawny [b]Hair:[/b] White [b]Allies & Organizations:[/b] -Aiserru, The Gentle- The silver dragon who raised Renalyssa as a child. -The Watcher- An massive ancient crystal dragon who is Renalyssa's Warlock Patron. [b]Character Backstory:[/b] Orphaned as a baby by a red dragon attacking her home village and being the only survivor the young girl was taken in by silver dragon named Aiserru who found a kinship in the child and named her Renalyssa. Bringing her back to her lair in a castle high atop a mountian Ren was raised by Aiserru as she began to show signs of having a bit of dragon blood in her, inheriting magical abilities that she was taught to control by the dragon as she also told her tales of powerful knights and defenders of the weak, often bringing back gifts and trinkets for Renalyssa when she would go out on her long journeys and would sometimes be months away from their home. During these long times where she would be away Renalyssa sometimes made her way down the small villages to interact with other humans and various other races. Following her own drive to explore and learn more about the surrounding world. Eventually this lead to her making the decision to leave her home, heading out during one of Aiserru's extrusions she left him a message not saying where she was going but what she was doing, knowing that she would understand. Not long after her journey had started Renalyssa came upon a place where the veil between the material plane and the Elemental Chaos was thin and she accidentally stumbled upon an ancient crystal dragon who called himself the Dimensional Maestro, or the Great Watcher. He was an ancient being and a dragon the size of a mountain who seemed happy to meet her and Ren spent several months in his presence asking questions and speaking with this being until he made a deal with her and granted the young human some of his powers on the agreement that she would be his agent, one who would guide those who needed the aid on their paths to a greater a fate. Parting with him now driven by a greater purpose than to just explore. [b]Treasure:[/b]