[color=fff79a][h3][center]~Delphi~[/center][/h3][/color] [color=fff79a]"Meee?"[/color] Delphi pointed to herself in a somewhat childish fashion. [color=fff79a]"No idea!~"[/color] She giggled, twirling on her heels as she suddenly hopped [i]very[/i] close to Aislinn. Enough to poke the native on the forehead with a bright grin. [color=fff79a]"I'm just a little ghostie haunting these woods for a bit."[/color] She giggled again, taking a few steps away from Aislinn as a bird landed on her head again, messing up her hair as it landed. [color=fff79a]"Aw, jeez, I just fixed it, too! You did that on purpose you silly thing."[/color] Delphi turned back to Aislinn. [color=fff79a]"Hey...wanna play a game or something?"[/color]