[hider=Nazir] [b]Appearance:[/b] Nazir's face is, 99% of the time, covered by a brown cloth that acts as a head wrap. He wears a brown cloak whose collar extends up to his mouth. It is looks exactly like what you'd see from someone who travels in the desert. The only thing you can see from his is his eyes and that's when he isn't wearing his aviator goggles which he wears when there's a sandstorm of some sort. When not being used, it's usually seen hanging around his neck. Underneath his clothing is some light armor to at least keep him moderately protected. He's fairly tall. He doesn't have any non-humanoid features but one can't be too sure since he's covered all the time. He seems to have a relatively lean body type. [b]Name:[/b] [indent]Nazir Huey[/indent] [b]Age:[/b] [indent]He's been around for roughly around 41 years. Appears as someone who is a young adult.[/indent] [b]Aegis Type:[/b] [indent]Attack[/indent] [b]Weapon/Abilities/Drone:[/b] [indent][i][url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/54/a8/d3/54a8d31e372fcd7f73f45315f04ec927.jpg]Grim Angels:[/url][/i] Taking the form of two pistols charged with plasma energy which he affectionately called Leonis and Zwei. These pistols do not reload which makes it an effective weapon. The special thing about the Twin Angels is its capability to incorporate the five elements into its energy bullets. To do this, however, it must be fed that certain element. There is a tube that is extendable from the back of the pistol which can suck in any of the elements. The duration of each powered clip depends on the amount of element it has eaten. If not careful, Twin Angels have the capability of overheating. It also does not have the capability of sucking any type of element which is aimed to attack him as the process is relatively slow. [i][url=http://img.cadnav.com/allimg/160912/cadnav-160912163T1.jpg]Kiss of Death:[/url][/i] Taking the form of a sniper rifle, and much like the pistols, charged with plasma energy made to destroy the Virus in particular. This also means that it is not capable of hurting anything else other than the Virus. By looking through the scope, one can mark targets which then appear with a red dot on their person. Nazir sees this with the aid of his aviator goggles. This red dot remains as long as the Virus is not erased.[/indent] [b]Personality:[/b] [indent]Nazir is a simple man. He sees someone in need of help - and he will help. His entire being has been programmed with the Good Samaritan in mind - selfless and helpful in every way. However, this also means that he is reckless and will jump through great lengths and get himself in trouble if it means saving someone and as you can imagine, this is detrimental to him. It's like he has no sense of self-preservation unless he is absolutely alone. He is generally lighthearted and easy going who only strives to move forward and not let the past be a burden to him. However, it has been witnessed that he slips in and out of depression when alone or at night.[/indent] [b]Background:[/b] [indent]Nazir was created in a desert world type of server. The cities were far apart and little towns dot the landscape. Back when he was first made, he was part of the royal family if the richest city in the desert, often referred to as the kingdom of that server. Originally, he was supposed to help around with the defence of the kingdom. The first wave of Virus had attacked when he was created and they managed to push them back. However, because of his programming, he felt the need to extend his help to the smaller towns that dot the server. After some convincing from his alleged family, he managed to take a squadron and he rode off. Creating a perimeter on the closest towns were... difficult. With the limited manpower and the ever increasing amount of Viruses only make it more difficult. However, he was too focused on the other towns that he neglected to put effort in protecting the kingdom. After receiving a message calling him back to the kingdom, he wasted no time riding to it. He was met with a ravaged town and no survivors. He was broken. After hearing about someone recruiting for the Aegis Program, he immediately signed up for it. He didn't want anyone else feeling the same loss as he did and he wanted to help people. He first got the Sniper weapon and he was mostly in the back. However, as it continued, he began to ask for a closer ranged weapon so he could help people more closely. He was given the pistols and he has continued to serve them loyally as much as he can. [/indent] [b]Other:[/b] [indent]-Suffers from Insomnia[/indent] [/hider]