Determined to arrive in time, Boreas trudged forward through the server. [color=6ecff6]"Damn office-junkies. Can't be bothered to come out here themselves, but they won't send a vehicle either. I know I rushed in a bit often, but they could've at least let me keep some form of transport."[/color] He kept muttering to himself for a little while, before eventually deciding he'd just have to show off here and request a new vehicle afterwards. In the meantime, lost in though as he was, he had wandered into the wrong part of town--as he quickly found out when he checked his map. [color=6ecff6]"You have got to be kidding me..."[/color] Putting in no effort to hide his frustration, Boreas simply turned on his heel and continued marching. It seemed however, that a lone virus was now in his way, nothing major, but it could still be a pain if left unchecked. As the virus glitched over to him, Boreas swung [i]Eternal Punishment[/i] a few times, creating a whirling pair of barbed-wire death-whips. Of course, being a mere spacefiller virus, it was quickly torn to pieces. [color=6ecff6]"Ugh, pests. I should focus... Now where should I go again?"[/color] He opened his holoscreen and checked the map, finding out he was surprisingly close. He slid aside the screen and started moving again. Normally he'd have checked the screen and followed it, but he didn't need to as his new team came in sight after little more than a minute of walking. Upon his arrival, he slid the screen back in front of him and tapped a few controls, causing the map to change into a party overview. He looked up and saw that two of the other team members were at the meeting point already. Glancing down, he saw their names and Aegis roles. It was then, that he looked up and introduced himself. [color=6ecff6]"Boreas."[/color] ... Not much of an introduction, but he'd become a tad infamous in the Aegis ranks after rushing out and dodging actual disciplinary action for the so-manieth time. Regardless, he figured a proper introduction couldn't hurt, so after the brief pause in which he'd decided this, he continued. [color=6ecff6]"My role is protector. If you're frail, or function better at longer ranges, stick behind me."[/color]