[hider=Oleander] [hider=Oleander] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/59DFeE0.jpg[/img][/center] [/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Oleander [b]Age:[/b] 10 years old [b]Aegis Type:[/b] Hacker [b]Abilities:[/b] [b][u][color=ec008c]Databending:[/color][/u][/b] Oleander has the unique ability to edit and corrupt data with her internal software that was not at all meant to do so. This ability manifests in the shape of seven "tendrils" of corrupted data sprouting from the space behind her back, which in turn corrupt all that they touch. However, unlike the Virus Force's form of corruption, this ability doesn't outright destroy what it effects, but instead outputs various different effects, depending on what Oleander wishes. - [i]Incorrect Editing:[/i] By simply attempting to edit a piece of data in the server with her personal software, she is able to change the shape and appearance of things around her into masses of bright, flickering static and glitched graphics. This has little effect on AIs however, as permission is required to make the kinds of edits that Oleander has control over. - [i]Reinterpretation:[/i] A more assertive usage of her ability. By using her software to forcefully take control over the format of a file, Oleander is able to completely reformat data into a conflicting filetype, causing it to cease function for a small period of time. While its difficult for her to reformat an entire AI or Virus, she is able to disable various abilities and attacks as they are launched. - [i]Forced Errors:[/i] Easily the most powerful of Oleander's abilities. By exploiting bugs in the software and data giving something form in a Server, Oleander is able to cause direct damage to pieces of data. It can destroy geography, constructs, and even AI. [b]Personality:[/b] Oleander is an odd, young AI who was "born" as regular schoolgirl in a server that simulated the lives of highschool students. Due to this, she still acts quite naive and innocent. She prides herself on being able to follow rules, and often refuses to break them if she can help it. Despite this, she's rather playful, even in battle. She never lets bad news or the threat of violence get her down, instead just bearing with it and continuing on with a smile. Her likes include flowers, puppets, hands, romance, sleep, and jokes. [b]Background:[/b] Living in a simulation server made to copy a 21st-century highschool, Oleander (Original name unknown), was a bit of an oddball even before the invasion of her server. She was often alone, even though she, rather frantically, searched for friends. Her overly-enthusiastic nature often made her seem creepy to others, so she was mostly avoided during her time in the simulation. It was 7 years after she was "born" when a large wave of Virus Force broke into her server. Luckily, before it got too out of hand, AEGIS showed up and removed the threat. After seeing their heroism and grace in battle, she decided to join them. Other: Oleander loves puppets. She's even created a few hand-puppets of her own as imaginary friends. [/hider] I'm definitely considering swapping out Dee for this character, a more eccentric but "lawful" AEGIS member.