[center][i]They ignored you...[/i][/center] [indent]The words of Kra(Ne) echoed inside the mind of KoRe, reflecting off the walls of his mind and only gaining strength as it did. KoRe was serious in his question and the only one whom even seemed to care was Raphaella. Ignorance did not perturb KoRe, but a blind eye to his passionate curiosity did. Ignoring the question as to who he was insulted KoRe far more than ignoring the existence of who he is now. Or, maybe it was Kra(Ne) who was perturbed by the sentiment. It was definitely Kra(Ne) who was urging KoRe to act on his rage. Stein was either silent or suppressed, for his voice of reason was not silencing the voice of rage within KoRe...[/indent] The entire atmosphere around KoRe seemed to change as he lifted up his sword and aimed it at Dio. Although he did not position himself any closer to Raphaella, an unsung melody of assurance made it apparent that he would support her. If she was prepared to fight Dio, KoRe was prepared to kill him. KoRe was irrational at the moment, as the voice of rage echoing within him pushed aside his regular regard to those around him and he was all but forced to embrace the murderous intent within him. He need not say any words to commune his killing intent for Dio. His eyes, although hollow and black, somehow poured out a rage as ferocious as any forest fire and his stature communed his aggressive intent even further. If Dio spoke another word, another phrase of disrespect, KoRe would not need a notion from Raphaella or even Kra(Ne) to attack; KoRe was intent on lunging forward and plunging the Neocore Katana through Dio... repeatedly.