He gave a wave when Boreas, Hueco, and Oleander came up. Boreas was familiar to him. The guy was attacker before, one of the more aggressive type of the class. It was some big news among his peers when Boreas switched to becoming a Protector, but Nazir lost track of Boreas's progress after that. Aside from him, everyone else was a mystery aside from their Aegis profiles. Though Oleander was definitely an interesting one, with that puppet and everything, so he was sure this wouldn't be a terribly boring group. He looked at Hueco and nodded. [color=0076a3]"Read and memorized."[/color] He couldn't help but let out a chuckle at VAC's description of him. [color=0076a3]"Can't deny that. But if they're thinking this would put us down... well..."[/color] He said with a shrug. Considering the skill he has seen this Hacker do, Boreas's reputation and the relatively weak types of Viruses involved, this hypothetically isn't enough to stop them. He crossed his arms as he continued to listen to the male Hacker. So he [i]was[/i] the one responsible for the Viruses outside. Impressive, really. [color=0076a3]"Alright, I'll take care of 'em once we're done here."[/color] He looked towards the said Viruses. He then turned his attention back at VAC as he requested for some sort of permission. His eyes narrowed at the sight of the side arm. Was this some sort of trust exercise? [color=0076a3]"Most likely?"[/color] He asked in a joking manner before nodding. [color=0076a3]"As long as that doesn't completely erase me from the Lifeline, then I'm good."[/color] He then looked back at Hueco. [color=0076a3]"Considering the fact that we're not supposed to engage with the Ransom Level Virus so we don't really need to worry about it... unless we somehow tip ourselves off. But you know, up to you guys how we tackle this mission, I'll follow you guys' lead."[/color] Nazir wasn't the type to lead. He was good at following. He wondered if the people here loved to strategize for missions. [@Yomojo] [@Patches] [@hefewy] [@Ryougu]