Salim looked down at the knife at his feet. It was definitely within the reach of his feet, but he can't bend over too far without strangling himself. Perhaps if he caught the blade between his feet, he could maneuver it up to his hands. However, when he went to do so, his legs had to give out beneath him, and he began choking as the rope constricted around his throat. Salim fought to keep conscious, the knife getting closer inch by inch to his hand. Then, salvation came when his fingers brushed the hilt. He grabbed onto it like a lifeline, plopping his feet down again and sucking in the air. The sharp edge made quick work of the rope, and soon he was free of all bindings. Then, a dilemma struck him. He looked at the rows upon rows of criminals he was to be executed with, all doomed to hang as he was. Should he rescue them? Opportunity was growing thin, and he only had time for one. He chose the closest and began hacking away at the bindings, soon freeing him as well. Some points with the Vicar Gods couldn't hurt. "You are greatly indebted to me," Salim said, as he freed Aleksandr from his bonds.