[@kalleth] not trying to be confrontational, just trying to make sure I know what I did wrong so I don't repeat. Still kinda new to play by post. Is it because I put interaction between bloonwb's character salim and Aleksander, or the npc guard and Aleksander? If it's the former, I was going off of what bloonwb posted. My quote of salim was taken directly from him. If that's not ok, then I will avoid in the future. Still learning the ropes. If the latter, I noticed other people dictating npc behavior, it seems a good way to move the narrative along. Again, still learning. I appreciate any advice or help. P.s. in tabletop we always referred to metagaming as dictating the characters actions with our of character information for an advantage. In play by post, does metagaming mean determining other people's characters actions? Just trying to get a grasp on the terminology. Thanks again.