I'm not trying to be a hardass or anything. But just so I can set te record straight, I'm fine with players introducing NPCs and controlling them. But what I will say is that you'll need to be comfortable with me controlling them also. I liked what Empath did because it was funny. And your response to Bloo was fine, considering that you were responding to his action. What I was objecting to was just your dictating of Empath's NPC's actions. You can attempt to do things, and then it's up to me and possibly the person who introduced the NPC to figure out if what you attempt succeeds. I guess this is more character driven than anything though, so I won't [i]really mind[/i] unless you give yourself god powers and succeed at everything. I encourage you to fail, to make the RP more interesting, and to see where it takes you. However from now on, I'll try and accept creative and thoughtful explanations for stuff. As long as you can justify it to me, I think it'll be all good. Empath's most recent post is the example I'll use. D'ren is a boxer, and he punched the crap out of those guards. And then...decapitated them. Yeeeeah, that's a little crazy. But I like it, so my arbitrary will allows it to remain. Mwahaha.