[@LiegeLord] Ivory glanced back at James. [color=7bcdc8]"I-I don't know, I hope so. I-I was gonna teach her to draw while we were at l-lunch. I-Is it okay if I-I stick with you? I-I mean I don't w-want to be a b-bother but I don't k-know where to g-go..."[/color] She shyly asked James. She really didn't know where to go. She had been following Cecilia around all day, and she was comfortable with her. She smiled thinking of her friend, but frowned when she heard all the voices. [color=7bcdc8]"M-maybe not, I-I think I-i'm just going to w-wait for C-cecilia here, t-there's a lot of people i-in there..."[/color] She told James, before running back to where she left her sketchbook and bag. Ivory would sketch to calm herself down and relax. She decided to do that while waiting for Cecilia. She quietly opened the notebook and grabbed a pencil from her bag, and began sketching.