[@Blueflame] [color=8493ca]"Oh my god, like you wouldn't believe. Basically deliciously boiled dumplings with fillings of cheese, mashed potatoes and various meats and spices. The bacon just adds the best of flavours..."[/color] Kaeden had no time to drool just talking about it while he had the very thing in front of him. [color=8493ca]"I first tried them at a foster home. Loved them ever since. I cook them ocassionally when I get the right stuff."[/color] he talked with his mouth full before swallowing. [color=8493ca]"I love cooking. There's just something so artistic about it. Like working on a canvas to make the most delicious meal. Hard for me to attain ingredients though."[/color] he stuffed his mouth with another pierogi, unaware that his babbling may be boring his partner to death.