[color=fff79a][h3][center]~Delphi~[/center][/h3][/color] [color=fff79a]"Simple!"[/color] Delphi suddenly turned around facing Asilinn, not caring about the words 'personal space' at all. [color=fff79a]"See this ball? You try and hit the other person with it."[/color] She giggled brightly. The ball in question seemed a simple construct made of some material Aislinn likely wouldn't be able to identify. It was soft, green in color and oddly squishy though. Where she got it from though was a mystery all by itself. [color=fff79a]"Don't worry, it's not going to hurt unless you throw it [i]really[/i] hard. But anyone who does that is a meanie pants that deserves to have their underwear frozen."[/color] She hopped a foot or so away from Aislinn as she continued. [color=fff79a]"Rules are simple! You get hit you lose, but you are allowed to catch it. And don't worry about loosing the ball, either. I'll even let you have first toss, heh!~"[/color]