[@Patches][@Yomojo][@Polaris North][@Ryougu] Oleander waved timidly towards Hueco as he introduced himself, gripping the bottom of her shirt with her puppet-hand. She didn't want to speak up just yet, her shyness taking away the motivation to do so. However, it was at VAC's rude comment about her that she seemed to snap, as she turned to him and scowled. "[color=f49ac2]Who are you callin' a child?[/color]" She angrily interjected, clenching her fists. She already didn't like this guy - his lack of humility really annoyed her. And to top things off, he wanted to PING them, whatever that meant. "[color=f49ac2]... And I don't think so. I don't want you... pokin' your head around in my data. I'm 'creepy', after all.[/color]" "[color=8dc73f]Yeah, why don't you just buzz off with that? Real creepy, man![/color]" Her puppet added in as Oleander turned her head away from him. Meanwhile, she glanced over to Nazir, who didn't seem to be at all as offensive as VAC. In fact, she thought he looked pretty interesting, especially with that headwrap concealing his features. "Mysterious..." She thought to herself, catching herself staring at him with wide-eyed fascination for an instant. Lastly, Boreas voiced his plan... One that Oleander wasn't very keen on. "[color=f49ac2]But... That wasn't part of the briefing, Boreas. We can't engage it unless otherwise instructed.[/color]" She says matter-of-factly, shrugging. "[color=f49ac2]Sorry, but I'm gonna have to vote against it.[/color]". As she finishes her reply, her puppet 'nods' its head in agreement.