[Center][img]http://img4q.duitang.com/uploads/item/201408/23/20140823223507_eWHCS.jpeg[/img][/Center] [b]Name:[/b] Rika [b]Age:[/b] 14 [b]Gender:[/b] Male (Androgynous) [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Personality:[/b] Rika is completely neutral. He is in perfect balance with everything he does. Rika cannot physically talk and is completely mute nor does he use sign language because of this it can be hard to have a conversation with him however he is incredibly smart and understanding. He likes to analyse everything around him. Rika is a friendly kid and wouldn't hurt a fly. He never gets angry no matter what you do to him, keeping perfect calm throughout all situations. The downside to him is that he can find it difficult to make friends. Rika is a sociopath, having no empathy or feeling no guilt for the actions or mistakes he has made. He is unafraid in most situations and stays quiet at all times. Nor does he have any remorse or shame even in extreme situations. [b]Plot Summary of Original content:[/b] This is taken from several ideas. Including games, tv shows and anime. Namely Xalolin Showdown, Naruto and Jackie Chan Adventures Anime Genres: The genres the anime fall in are Action, fantasy, family and Comedy. Rika was born with a unique ability. To see the allignment of everyone. Who is good, evil or neutral and see all the sins someone has committed. As he grew up he didn't understand it, he asked his mother but she too had never heard of anything like it before. It was at age seven that she took Rika to a temple mountain where some monks explained that they knew what Rika was experiencing. According to the ancient monks Rika could see all that was yin yang and if Rika decided to stay, and was allowed to stay without the guidence of his mother, the monks would teach Rika the ways of the monks, and what his abilities meant. After some reluctants Rika's mother eventually agreed. It was then that Rika began to grow up with the Monks who were called the Monks of Perfect Balance. They taught Rika how to keep himself in perfect harmony and balance. This alone took him until he was ten years old to fully learn at which point it was discovered that Rika was mute. He couldn't physically talk. So the monks decided to Teach Rika a new trick. How to open his mind up, and speak without speaking physically. Rika spent two years learning this, for he wasn't one to have a conversation. He stayed quiet and wasn't interested at first. When Rika finally did learn to open his mind and speak without speaking, he said very little and his inner voice was very quiet as well as child like. However from what little they heard, the monks were able to determine his IQ levels were very high. During his last year Rika learned how to harness his perfect balance and to utilise it to control yin yang. This took Rika some time to understand and get the concept of but he learned faster than most. [b]Weapons, Powers & Abilities:[/b] He has no weapons to speak off however he has managed to keep in perfect harmony and balance. Which gives him several abilities. Rika is able to see the sins of everyone looks at as well as determine what their alignment is, good, neuteral or evil according to the morals he has been taught by the monks. He is able to manipulate dark and light elements, such as shadows, light itself and general darkness using his Yin Yang manipulation. Rika though he rarely uses it has the ability to speak through his mind to anyone he can see. Lastly Rika is able to see and communicate, if he so wishes with spirits of the dead. [b]Dark Powers[/b] Darkness Generation: He is able to create and generate darkness. Darkness Solidification: This allows him to solidfy darkness. This also allows him to create solid dark spheres he can throw at enemies to attack and hurt them. Darkness Creation: This allows him to make weapons or items out of darkness itself. Shadow Manipulation: He can control shadows of himself, others and inanimate objects and bringing shadows to life, making them walk and do his bidding. Nightvision: He is able to see perfectly through the night, no matter how dark it may be due to his dark powers. Shadow Swimming: He is able to sink into and swim in shadow itself, thus allowing him to move through the shadows and come out from another area of darkness. This allows for quick travel. He can however be hurt by others while swimming. [b]Light Powers[/b] Light Generation: Like with Darkness, he can create and generate light itself. Light Solidification: He can solidfy light this allows him to create solid spheres of light to throw at enemies to attack them. light Creation: This allows him to make literal weapons or items made from light itself. Holographic Projections: Rika can create hollographic projections of his memories, thoughts and feelings. This is one of the few ways he can communicate even if he doesn't use it very often. Invisibility: Rika can blend into the light itself, making him invisible. However he can still be heard and can still be smelled. He is unable to attack while invisible as he needs to focus on blending into the light to stay invisible. [hr] [b]Author:[/b] Spicer [b]Real Name:[/b] Jack Sands [b]Age:[/b] 45 [b]Gender:[/b] Male