It didn’t take long for Cait to figure out where the best place in town would be to find easy marks, the Pub was crawling with drunkards even on a Tuesday night. She pulled her hood over her blond hair, it tended to stick out in people’s memory if she didn’t keep it covered. The place was crowded enough that she was easily able to use the concealed dagger up her sleeve to cut coin purses from Pub patron belts. She had amassed a rather tidy sum and was headed on her way out when two of the drunks she’d pilfered from discovered their coins missing, obviously upset that they couldn’t buy more drinks as they had no coins with which to buy said drinks. As the men brawled Cait made another lap around the pub, biding her time to make a clean exit; hopefully, no one else would notice their missing coin purse. She noticed a glint of candlelight reflected off a gem, she was quick to notice such things. A young man had entered after the two drunkards had taken their brawl to the streets, not wanting to mess with the guard standing at the entrance/exit of the pub. He wore a violet ring on his right hand. Cait mused over what a pretty penny she could make off it but thought better of it, it was harder to knick the things people wore on them. She sidled up to the man at the bar and quickly sized him up. [color=00BFFF] “Can you believe those two idiots? All riled up over some stolen coin. If you really need it, you shouldn’t leave it in a place so accessible to others. Enjoy your drink, lad,”[/color]Cait had hoped the conversation would keep the man distracted just long enough for her to get his coin purse. When the small cloth bag hit the palm of her hand she moved it into one of the pouches on her belt, far more secure than the typical money purses the common folk carried. She made sure to conceal her dagger again before making her way out of the pub, skipping over the two drunkards still flailing about in the street, no one paying them any mind as the show was now over. She used them to keep from having to step in the mud puddles, it had rained earlier that day but it was a clear night. The moon was bright, which made her thieving a little harder as there were less shadows for her to hide in. But no matter, she would just have to settle for moving on to the next city, she had the feeling she’d been made at the pub and not just by the drunkards she’d stepped on.