Aislinn watched as she bounded onto the branch with a confident smile as Delphi clearly was surprised. She wouldn't able to catch it in time and she- What? The pink haired girl watched the ball almost straight up turn as it avoided the other girl despite there being no wind. How did one do that!? [color=pink]"T-That's not fair!?"[/color] Before she could protest further though, the ball was flying back in her direction and the rabbit was forced to jump backwards in order to be in an appropriate position to catch it. With a huff she landed on the ground. If this woman could just redirect the ball, how was she supposed to win? This time the native leapt forward instead, flying straight at the woman to give herself and the ball extra momentum as she tossed it with a spin. Aislinn's flight would send her just above the woman and some ten feet behind her as she breathed heavily.