[b]Ryu Heisui Dew Islet[/b] Ryu closed his eyes as the silence between them spread. He began to wonder if he said something wrong and offended her. He didn't like offending anyone, but he never really notices if he does or not. He pondered on what he said, until Natsume gave him a title of a book. He hadn't actually read Snow on the Ocean, but he had seen it in the stores before. He was a little suprised to see that she had answered his question and decided to give one in return, [b]"The Last Breath"[/b] He didn't really say anything else, but he sat up and turned around to look at Natsume. The girl was looking through the mist and awaiting their new teammate. He began to wonder about the young maidens back story. They had just met and he didn't want to overstep any boundries, so he let his imagination wander through all the possible happenings of the young Yuki clan member's history.