[@The 42nd Gecko] KoL's main gripe is the fact that Artoria used Manifest Destiny without touching something physically and by distance. Going by her CS, it says this: [quote=@The 42nd Gecko] [i]Manifest Destiny[/i] - It is Artoria's personal mission in life to transform everything into cute animal girls, whether they originally be giant robots or insubstantial energy beings, and her sheer force of unstoppable will has granted her the capacity. Upon inflicting what would otherwise be damage* upon a being, Artoria may instead transform them into a cute animal girl in proportion to the damage they would otherwise do. Machina seem to be particularly vulnerable to this, transforming more than they should based on the rather minimal damage punching a giant robot in the shin should. Angels seem rather resistant. Machina also tend to lose more of their power upon such transformation, as they tend to lose a lot of important techno-gear when they cease to be a robot and become flesh and blood, while Angels are frequently already animal people and all their powers still work upon transforming. *this ability also causes attacks to be treated as type appropriate before considering whether they would do damage. Ghosts, pure energy beings, and immaterial concepts [b][u]can all be punched[/u][/b] into cute animal girl-ness by Artoria's reality warping obsession. [/quote] Does that imply Manifest Destiny can only be used via touching the target or is that just fancy word fluff? Furthermore...what exactly did Artoria do to that lava again? It's a bit confusing from your post.