Discussing as per [@Moonlit Sonata]'s suggestion, but we can move this to a private chat if participants are inclined. [@Player 2][@Berserk Gene] At this point, Airi's realization that she can't act as a magus will likely drive her to do what she can in other respects, and leave it to whoever else to act as Norton's Master. I think it would be fine for Airi to officially dissolve the Master-Servant relationship she has with Norton once he's stable without her, but remain allies with him as she continues to act alongside them. Kind of like a Hisau Maiya role. That seems like the most naturally-flowing way to go about things, from my perspective. So, I think it would be fine to simply continue with what was planned before I came back, and I'll fit in Airi where I can. Once she leaves the church, her first goal is still to find and rescue Stirner - I don't know what Player 2 has planned for his reappearance, but maybe Airi can play into making their reunion a reality somehow.