[@bmxbrat484] Yes, I do! Here you all are. c: [hider=Character Sheet] [center][img](Image%20URL%20goes%20here.)[/img] (An image isn't needed, but feel free to add one if you want one in. Otherwise, you can delete this bit.) [b]Full Name:[/b] [b]Nicknames/Aliases:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Gift:[/b] [b]Loyalty:[/b] (if Erubescian or Liberty, please add their position if you can) [b] Description:[/b] (What do they look like? Even if you've got a picture, a bit of writing would be nice. Include their usual attire, any notable scarring or markings, etc.) [b]Personality:[/b](A brief outline of their demeanour.) [b]Skills:[/b] (Magical or practical abilities.) [b]Weaknesses:[/b] (Achilles' Heels that can be exploited by enemies.) [b]Brief History:[/b] (Any notable events in their background that might have shaped them. If you don't want to reveal too much, that's fine.) [b]Other:[/b][/center] (Anything else you think everyone needs to know about your character.)[/hider]