Sol would get up from his seat and make his way out of the classroom, unconsciously hovering above the floor as he did so. Whilst he had a blank look on his face he was in fact quite bemused at the teacher's response, he had put out the fires, eliminated the opposition's forces and even covered for his classmate's blindspots so it was lost on him what exactly he failed on. Directly cooperating with the others could've done more harm than good, joining them in battle with no prior experience was well more than ill-advised. The white-haired teen would ponder more on this as he headed off to own individual class, History or at least's Earth's history. Neither of his parents ever went over that particular topic, focusing more on interstellar flying, combat or unbeknownst to his mother; private dancing lessons from Star-Lord himself. Perhaps he could gain more insight into his teacher's decision from History. [color=ed145b][i]Maybe I was supposed to scorch everything to the ground? It didn't seem like anyone was careful about collateral damage.[/i][/color]