[@Blueflame] [color=8493ca]"What, you mean like your clothes?"[/color] Kaeden laughed out. [color=8493ca]"But yeah, maybe I can show you my wings outside sometime when I'm more awake."[/color] his attention suddenly fell back onto his gauntlets as he examined them. [color=8493ca]"I don't actually know what these things are made of, but man do I enjoy them a little too much. Sometimes I just summon them to scratch things up; it's oddly fun. They've also gotten me out of a couple sticky situations but hey, [i]you[/i] try opening clamshell packaging without a pair of scissors or knives."[/color] Kaeden began swiping at the air to accentuate his point. He was interrupted by another yawn, the gauntlets suddenly disintegrating. ... He spaced out lazily staring at his now bare hands. [color=8493ca]"... Oh. The items kind of disappear when my mind isn't totally there. So no flying when I'm sleepy, otherwise I'll be plummeting over 200 miles per hour to my death."[/color]