[color=6ecff6]"What are you waiting for?"[/color] Boreas asked, already building distance between himself the rest of the group. [color=6ecff6]"You heard the drone didn't you? A f***swarm of viruses is headed this way, what are you loitering around for?"[/color] To reinforce his words, Boreas made a powerful gesture, like a parent sending a kid to his room. It would have been nice if only this place was as homely as that, but that was not the case, so Boreas was alert, perhaps even a little jumpy. It was nothing new, though, it was just the anticipation before a battle. Boreas briefly interrupted his path eastward, and turned to the team. [color=6ecff6]"I get that we're not going in to fight the ransom-level, but how are we going to deal with this horde at our backs? We can keep heading east, but we'll just find ourselves surrounded, so why don't we deal with these guys first? We'll have to exterminate them at some point, anyway."[/color] Turning to Nazir, he ordered, albeit without authority, [color=6ecff6]"Guns, cover me, but stay back. The rest, show me what you can do..."[/color] He sure was acting in-charge for someone with a reputation as poor as his own, but he was already focused on the fight, already neglecting any potential rank in the group. [@Yomojo] [@Patches] [@hefewy] [@Polaris North]