Name: Valgius Artenius of Alba (factual kingdom) Age: 24 Occupation: Physician Ring: [color=blue]Blue[/color] Appearance: [img][/img] Biography: Valgius was born into an upper class noble family. As such, he was able to have the finest things in life, including education. However, until the age of 7, he had no real idea of what he wanted to do with his life. He knew that he wanted to help people, but was unsure of how to do so. However, fate soon made the decision for him. Shortly after Valgius' 7th birthday, his mother fell deathly ill, and passed a week later. It was this incident that caused young Valgius to declare to his father Valorium that he wanted to be a physician. The boy's father, a chamberlain directly in the king's service, agreed and soon hired a private tutor who was a retired physician himself. From him, Valgius learned all of the skills he would need to be an effective physician. As he came of age, Valgius started his practice in his hometown, working with small things like illnesses and minor injuries. However, tragedy would strike the young noble once again. Just before his 19th birthday, his father was assassinated while on the job by a thief. At the will's reading, the now-orphaned Valgius had his family's fortune and estate given to him, and all the curios and artifacts that his parents had inherited from the Artenius family. Among them was a small blue ring. Valgius was immediately drawn to it, and always had it on his person from that day until the present. When he was 20, Valgius decided to donate his family's estate and half of their holdings to the local church for an orphanage. He then packed up a small bag of his belongings, and moved. He eventually took up his practice in a small town, providing his services for a modest fee that only the poorest of the poor couldn't afford, and he somtimes took care of them for free. The ring he had with him since his 19th birthday was mostly forgotten, but recently, he has tried it on and discovered its power, although he cannot do anything with it yet.