[quote=@Letter Bee] [@Tominas], Good CS, but these parts: The Emperor himself isn't evil, per se, more like manipulated; even the Iron Decree came only when his eldest son and heir was murdered with shivs by noble prisoners who said son wanted to assure clemency to. Dubious circumstances, right? Didn't happen. [/quote] Duly noted. I will say on the first part, I wasn't going for "The Emperor is evil" so much as "Something something vague military shit to be elaborated on later." That being said, I could easily convert that to "Her father didn't think that the shivs in the night was the whole story" money. As for the second, I'll just pull that. Got a little too much WWII in there :P So no problems with having her dad be a former higher-up? I don't want anyone to know HER, just that her family name used to mean something.