[img]http://orig09.deviantart.net/3340/f/2017/163/8/9/mannnnndew_by_wildbluefantasy-dbcgtwo.png[/img] Name: Mandew "Errandboy" Age: Early adulthood Physical Characteristics: Male Leafling (Half-man, half-tree person). Rather square-shaped head, with orange hair, orange eyes, and an intense serious expression most of the time. Hidden beneath his ample Orange sweater, Mandew's skin is covered with bark and hard wood. Running down his torso and limbs are a bunch of Ivy's who are grown and maintained to fortify is otherwise skinny body of small stature. He wears blue pants and orange shoes. -Personality Traits- [hider=Is very patient, calm, overly polite.]Mandew gave a quick, understanding glance at the guard, and calmly went back to sit on the chair. He knows that he would not be trusted so easily, but he did not seem unnerved by the guard's presence. He simply awaited for the next event to happen.[/hider] [hider=Very vigilant and ever so careful.]GM: Mandew succeeded in knocking the man out, but suddenly he could hear a loud beeping noise. The blue orb on the man's belt began to flash slowly, but quickly began to flash and beep faster and faster. What was going on?! Me: Mandew looked at the man's blue orb. [i]This doesn't sound good...[/i], he thought. Mandew quickly jumped off of the man before something bad happened, taking care of detatching his ivy limbs off the thug's wrists. He summoned his two Leafy Fans, and combined them into a shield ; holding it up and peeking above it to see what was going to happen next.[/hider] [hider=Righteous and adamant about only using violence if necessary.]Mandew quickly rose to his feet and extended his Ivy whip out of his sleeves, making it go right past Jeff, out of the door frame, and knocking onto the guard's sword, in an attempt to make it deviate from its trajectory. Then, with a pull of his wrist, he shoved the sword swings's intended target into the room. "No need for such violence.", he said.[/hider] - Powers - Mandew controls his Ivy Whips wrapped around his arms to be extended out of his sleeves. With them, he can whip or grab things from a distance; almost functionning as two extra limbs. He also uses "Leafy Fans", a pair of Paper fans made of leaves; using them to slap opponents. He can combine the two Leafy Fans into a trusty Leafy Shield - which can withstand a few magical or otherwise non-physical attacks when necessary. His Leafy Fans may also be weilded by his Ivy Whips - if less swift, they pack more of a sucker-punch in this fashion. Mandew also uses the composition of his body to his advantage. Often he is seen blocking sharp swords or various blunt weapons by bracing himself with his arms, sometimes at the cost of a piece of hard wood to be chipped off. He must be careful to not get wounded on his actual skin, however; his training diet necessitates a lack of protein, meaning internal wounds cost him a lot. Mandew also has a pet Horned Beetle, which he calls Parmesan. Parmesan usually hides on his back, having no particular special power or use. - Biographies - [hider=In Standard Multiverse] Mandew was raised by a druid to serve her as an errand boy. One day, he meets a hero who inspires him to leave his sheltered forest life as a servant. With due patience, Mandew honed his skills and powers as a Leafling, as well as he honed his chivalvry. He gives an air of mystery, even though there really isn't much to him or his past. Despite Mandew's chivalry, he cannot allow himself to be bound to having a love life. He travels way too much for this. Thankfully, whenever he gets a crush on someone, Parmesan is here to save him - by climbing on top of his head and scaring the ladies away. [/hider] [hider=In the Shenanilands] Mandew is an errand boy for a Druid called Mother Nature. He also doubles as a guardian for Mother Nature's daughter, Linidia. One day, he meets Bunnydew - a lost little rabbit who forgot everything about himself. Bunnydew, Linidia and Mandew grow to be friends, much to the disapproval of Mother Nature. It was when Riley Flightheart gave a spectacle in Oar Bay that Bunnydew sought to travel outside. After some incidence, Mandew and Linidia were given Mother Nature's "benediction" to "leave and never come back.", forcing them to travel with Riley and Bunnydew. The gang eventually met Nancy, a lone girl who, while a troublemaker, turns out to have a good heart. She joined in the fight against a threat in Moonview Village. Not having anywhere to go herself, and taking a liking to Bunnydew, she joins in the party. The gang eventually find that Bunnydew was intrigued with the river. And so they journeyed up the river, through the harsh climates and steep inclines. Who knew what destiny would await at the river's source? [/hider]