[b]Setting:[/b] 2020, somewhere cold. [b]Plot:[/b] You wake up in a windowless room with a single door, and a bucket to evacuate in. You do not have superpowers. You do not know where you are. You only know that you went to bed like normal last night, and woke up here. [i][b]Welcome to the Cult[/b][/i] For almost an hour after you awaken, there is complete silence. The door is locked, barred from the other side. It doesn't budge. To make things worse, you've been stripped to your underwear. They didn't miss anything. You have nothing with you, no jewelry, no electronics, nothing that could potentially help you escape. There had been rumors and even an article in the National Enquirer about a rash of kidnappings and disappearances occurring all over the world. But the article had been dismissed as nothing more than a journalist trying to make connections where there weren't any. Cold metal; the floors, walls, and ceilings were made of impenetrable steel. Somebody had been planning this for awhile. And that chill. Where did it come from? It almost felt like you were standing in a refrigerator, or your room was in the middle of a snow storm. But after an hour, shuffling could easily be heard outside the door. Then there's shouting, but it's muffled. These walls seem to be pretty thick, or soundproofed. The voice and shuffling feet move closer to the door...