The first thing that occurred to her was silence, it was an unwavering eerie quiet that told her she was most certainly not in her house. There was also an unwelcome chill. Kim sat up, blinking a dreary mist from her eyes as she looked around at her surroundings, then down at herself. She sighed. Given he rlime of work, and the sheer amount of people she pissed off on an early daily basis, it was only a matter of time before this happened, really. She stood to her cramping legs and grimaced in dismay, and rising terror as she realized she had been stripped, and the small switch blade she kept in her bra had been removed. She heard a very faint yelling, likely muddled by the walls of her prison. "Hello." She returned. A male voice. Captor? Prisoner? She couldn't tell. Quietly, she began to search for an exit. There was no obvious one so when she heard someone come near, she ran her fingers through her hair and sat down in the middle of the room, ready to gauge her situation. Perhaps it was the shock, but there was an uneasy calmness to her.