[@Atroposer][@Skinner35] The door to Arin's room unlocked silently, only to open with great speed and slam into the male prisoner's face. Then a man who appeared to be over 6-foot tall wearing a dark green ski mask rushed in and planted a thick-soled combat boot against Arin's chest, sending him flailing back into the far wall. The captor moved quickly, not wanting Arin to catch a glance of the exterior of the cell. When he spoke, it was deep, and commanding: "Stay." The man pulled a plastic baggy from his long dark brown coat and tossed it to Arin. Inside was what appeared to be a ham and cheese sandwich. The man then turned and left, locking the door behind him before Arin could attempt escape. Kim would've been able to hear the guard shouting and the door slamming shut several meters down the hallway, but much like the voices a few seconds ago, it was muffled by the thick metal walls. Then, thirty seconds later, her own door opened, though slowly. A man in a [url=http://inthekan.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/escape-plan.jpg]jet-black full-face mask, sculpted to look like a human face,[/url] stepped inside cautiously, holding a similar small plastic baggy, this one with a turkey sandwich in it. He wore an all black uniform, complete with bulletproof armor, a baton on his belt, and combat boots. He extended his hand toward the woman, offering the sandwich to the woman without a word, leaving the door cracked behind him.