Now that they were in the hallway, they would be able to see it in it's entirety. There had been no lights in the cell. The cell had been illuminated only when the door opened, by a single lamp in the high-ceiling corridor, too high for anyone to reach. The lamp had also been too high to cast anything but shadows on the walls, so Kim had not been able to see the exterior of her cell prior to now. However, now they would be able to see just how dire their situation was: the ceilings were high, about 25 feet high; the corridor in which they stood had dozens of cell doors much like their own lining the walls; the hallway itself extended dozens of meters, curving slightly as if they were in the bowels of some circular missile silo. The walls were made of concrete and the loudspeaker was mounted by the interior wall at the high ceiling. Then there was the sound of echoing boots marching down the corridor coming toward them. Coming from their left, closer to Arin's cell, a guard walked around the corner holding a baton. He looked similar to the one who had spoken with Kim, except his face-mask had a gash across it. And he walked and spoke with considerably more confidence. He was a lot huskier too. "Keep your back against the wall!" he ordered. "I will not hesitate to beat you silly if ya move!" He began frisking Arin, checking his underwear to make sure he didn't have anything on him.