[@t2wave] Cole gave a smile at the curtsy. He was not expecting that sort of returned formality, but he appreciated it. Perhaps he found an individual he could tolerate. He would have to find the winged woman later and question her when he wasn't with Estella. Cole blinked at her before shaking his head. [color=magenta]"To curtsy at all is something I appreciate. A shame you haven't been treated properly. I suppose it's the culture"[/color] His eyes slid to meet hers. [color=magenta]"I am not from here either so I understand your feeling"[/color] He gave her a small smile and he was being completely honest. After all, much like his father he found lying to be something beyond his reach. Cole tilted his head thinking of how it was explained to him. [color=magenta]"From what I was explained it is a class meant to teach useful things. Like sewing and cooking. Maybe it will help to understand this....area more"[/color] He shrugged. [color=magenta]"Perhaps it will simply be entertaining"[/color] Cole stopped when the explosion occurred. He glanced out the window with Estella a brow raised. [color=magenta]"I do not understand the fascination with blowing things up"[/color] He was half talking to himself and half talking to Estella. He looked at her. [color=magenta]"I am guessing the outside would be more affected....the question is...are we curious enough to find out what happened or shall we go explore the wonders of seeing?"[/color] He was probably a bad influence.