[hr][hr] [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170529/12fe209055e15bed1bd1f1f13066232a.png[/img][/center] [hr][hr][center][@Nallore][@Afro Samurai][@LadyRunic][@FantasyChic][@Morose][/center][hr][h1][center][color=007236]Marygold Isley[/color][/center][/h1][center][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/9e76d5f80741963b8fa5b5242195afe8/tumblr_mzebuupTYn1rpg4d8o3_250.gif[/img] Location: Xavier Institute[/center][hr] Marygold looked around the room, and noticed how several people glanced around the room before they stopped in the room. She had forgotten, the SHIELD agents were a newer fixture in the institute, so several people probably had yet to meet them. Glancing over at Professor X, he already knew what she was thinking, and since the team had to work with SHIELD, the rise in the Brotherhood's activities also just so happened to be their problem. The Brotherhood was causing problems for them, and as long as they were around, they couldn't focus very well on the disappearing mutants. [color=00aeef]"Everyone, I would like to introduce you to Starkette and Cassandra, they will be working with us from now on as representatives of SHIELD,"[/color] he said, and nodded to Marygold, so that she could explain the reason they were called. [color=007236]"Just before you were all called, we recieved a phone call from the director of SHIELD Nick Fury. Recently, there have been a number of attacks on electrical power plants and electrical facilities . However, until now they have been unable to identify those responsible. A surveillance camera managed to capture an image of one of those responsible. If you will look over at the screen, you will see the image that SHIELD so kindly sent us,"[/color] she said as she turned on the huge monitor, a picture appearing on the screen. [center][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/6/62/Sabertooth_1_%28Tyler_Mane%29.png/220px-Sabertooth_1_%28Tyler_Mane%29.png[/img][/center] She waits for a few moments so that they might take in the image. Marygold glanced around the room, and continued where she left off. [color=007236]"Looks like Magneto and his group are at it again, and SHIELD needs our help to stop them. Unfortunately they, as I'm guessing you all know, have a way to prevent the Professor from using Cerebro to locate them,"[/color] she said, and looked to Professor Xavier again. [color=00aeef]"Director Fury has been kind enough to give us a few locations which they may strike at any time. However, Marygold and myself have been able to narrow this down to just one location, which fits the given parameters that Magneto and his so called Brotherhood, will attack. The Hanson Power Plant just outside of Washington DC. It generates power for all of DC, including the White House and other government facilities. It is your task to make sure that they do not destroy the power plant. Otherwise, it may give Magneto the ability to take control of the city".[/color] Marygold looked around the room at those gathered. She didn't really know if the SHIELD agents were coming,she had met Starkette, and was good friends with her, but she knew virtually nothing about the other woman, but didn't really care about that at the moment. If they came, they came, if they didn't, so what? It didn't really affect her very much.[color=007236]"Alright team, you heard the man, let's suit up and head out. I'll meet you in the Blackbird hangar. Starkette and Cassandra, your welcome to come with if you feel like you've been sitting around doing nothing, feel free,"[/color] she said as she headed out of the room to go into the areas beneath the mansion, the areas reserved only for the X-Men.