[color=pink]"Charlotte? Char-"[/color] The girls eyes had adjusted enough to the dim light for her to make out the form of her friend on the ground. Aislinn didn't question the danger, but instead immediately rushed over and kneeled next to the woman and checked on as she placed one hand against her throat. The alchemist still had a pulse. And she was still breathing. The girl's eyes drifted down towards the tattoos - what had happened here? She wasn't supposed to be able to activate those in her sleep! The native looked nervously over her friend and rotated her so she rested on her side in a more comfortable position. And her skin - her skin felt like it was burning up. Was she sick? A quick look around the room revealed that many of the implements hadn't been used except for a single beaker that contained a stone - a bit of this strange liquid was dripping out of it, and as the girl placed her hair next to it she could see the strands visibly start reacting to the ... magical substance? If Charlotte woke up, she would find her head resting in Aislinn's lap with a wet strip of cloth folded onto her forehead and with several pieces of her clothing removed and instead replaced with a thin sheet. The girl would make an offer as soon as the other woman woke up. [color=pink]"D-drink."[/color] It would be obvious that Aislinn was nervous, but she had done her best to cool the black haired woman off.