[hider=Atrius the Gargoyle][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/4fAqQfN.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Atrius [b]Age:[/b] 31 (Which is a little older than a juvenile in gargoyle years) [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Important items:[/b] A small purse of money, an enchanted cloak that allows him to walk about during the day, so long as he isn't touched by sunlight [b]Exceptional Skill List:[/b] Flight, super strength, night vision [b]About gargoyles:[/b] Imagine a large, reptilian creature with glowing eyes, swooping at you from the dark night sky. That was the vision the mage that created these creatures was going for. They were an experimental watch dog, enchanted to turn to stone during the day (their resting period) and turn to flesh at night to protect their master's domain. They were a success, and began to multiply among themselves. These beasts of the night are intelligent, capable of compassion, and very territorial. Once given a roof to roost on, they will protect their homes, and thereby the occupants, with their lives. However, once the human occupants of their roost have fallen, they will typically except a new family as their masters. As far as abilities, gargoyles were molded to bring fear into the hearts of enemies. From their hulking size, legendary strength, glowing eyes, and batlike wings, no man would go into battle with one without fear of losing. Gargoyles are warm blooded, so they can live in colder regions if properly cared for. Most are very lazy, enjoying the care of their masters in return for their protection. They don't ask a lot; a few pounds of food each night and the promise of safety during the day. Because they [i]do[/i] tend to eat a lot, they are typically only owned by the upper class who can afford to feed them. Gargoyles, if treated well, can live up to 200 years. [b]Appearance:[/b] Atrius is still young, so he has yet to grew to his true potential. He stands are a measly 6'7", with a slightly heavy muscle build. He has ashy grey skin and darker, almost black colored hair. Typically, his hair, which is long enough to reach down his back, is held up in a pony tail. His eyes are bright gold, and shine yellow at night and in the dark. His wings are just getting to where they are mature enough to allow him flight, so he's still a little wobbly in the air. His claws, however, are very prominent. Atrius has two horns on his head, but he rarely actually uses them. They're mostly for decoration. [b]History:[/b] Atrius was one of the first hatchlings born at Steinholme. As a youngster, he often interacted with the human occupants of his home, who treated him very well. Atrius, like most of his clan, enjoyed the Sauerstein family. They felt like they were more than just decorations and guard dogs, but actually part of the group. They grew to earn his loyalty, something that most gargoyles lack towards anything other than the spot they rest on. When Atrius hear of the family being overthrown, he was bent on stopping it. However, his clan held him back. They didn't want him causing trouble and getting them all smashed come day break. No one was happy about the change in ownership, but no one was willing to do anything about it. No one but Atrius. Come the night after, Atrius awoke and fought his family over it until he finally just flew off on his own. His mission in clear: find his masters and free them. [/hider]