Gershwin was in pain but there was no mistaking that her powers were not helping her in storming through it and making her stronger. Why had her powers activated before when she had nightmares? Her dreams showed a being that was so like her but was different in so many ways - everything that Gershwin was, except the very concept of her existence flipped and it was coupled with every evil manifest for pain, disease, all that is not good in this world. What little did Gershwin know was the more pain she took, physical [b]or[/b] mental, in any way at all, it is not through sheer will via her powers that she lives; it is bringing out her other side. If Cody was the Angel, Gershwin was the Devil... But if Gershin was the Angel... this was the Devil. Gershwin's mind broke slowly but surely until she gave out... and in her place was her counterpart. Pure pain and terror. The insectoid form she had taken grew back, stronger, tougher, [i]uglier[/i], and it began to tear through everyone. Gershwin had rage before, and was single-handedly responsible for the deaths of hundreds, if not thousands. This was an even more ruthless version of her manifestation. It did not stand her ground. It ravaged through everything, pouncing and flying, spitting and gnawing, grabbing and piercing and tearing. It played with the Stone Army like toys, and it had no confines, no inhibitions, no reservations on attacking whomever and whatever. Cody was there to watch, and from behind him, a giant, enormous, hectare-sized hand made of stone was crashing down onto him. The thing that's replaced Gershwin saw the hand... and leapt for it.