[@rex] EDIT: That moment when you realize a character description doesn't match because they aren't the same character [@Tyki][@Overlord Thraka] ...that being said, this does feel a little unfair to Thraka and Rex, namely just how everything they've done has been completely invalidated immediately upon the attempt. When [@Claw2k11] had to kill some random merchant, he had to make sure that it was a solid fight, and now multiple players are being hardcore auto-shutdown with "they pick you up and you can't do anything, that's all there is to it, the end." I'm not trying to be rude or cast aspersions on anybody, and I understand the grunts are supposed to be strong/made to quell this type of thing, but them not reacting at all to offensive action and just auto-polishing off everyone does seem a little unfair. And I would have sent this as a PM, but the discussion involves quite a few people in the OC at the mo'. Meanwhile, Clarimonde is gonna rock those manacles and pray she doesn't die :P (Not complaining, it's just a funny image.) ADDITIONALLY I'll try to get a Clarimonde post up today, though it may be a little later. I have work, but get off in seven hours.