[center][b][u][h3][color=a2d39c]Olivia Zesiger[/color][/h3][/u][/b] [b]Interacting with:[/b] Tanner [@Aquanthe], Reese [@Solace], Gabriel [@LordVoldemort], Emil [@FrostedCaramel], Connor [@SheriffLlama][/center] [color=silver]The girl continued to writhe in the snow, cursing inwardly as the group trudged on. They went on, plodding through the blizzard, until she could hardly see them. It was then that Olivia suffered from a moment of panic. Were they really going to leave her behind? Did they not hear her? Growling under her breath in exasperation, she further contended with the snowfall. She wasn't about to be left behind, not after so long of trying her hardest to keep up! But the more she struggled, the more she exhausted herself... and just as she was thinking about what else she could do, she felt the weight of her back disappear. Glancing upward, she felt a wave of relief wash over her as she realized someone [i]had[/i] come back for her. Two people had, actually. Olivia blushed, both extremely frustrated and embarrassed with her situation. Connor had to carry her supplies, and Reese was offering her his hand. She was sure that she was [i]just[/i] about to escape from the snow by herself, but she probably should accept their help. Reaching forward, she took Reese's hand and hauled herself up to her feet, her blush growing a significant amount. Of all people to come back and see what kind of predicament she had gotten herself in, it had to be [i]Reese[/i]? She was glad that the redness of her face was covered by a scarf. [color=a2d39c][b]"Thanks. And... yeah, we're almost at the top,"[/b][/color] Olivia mumbled around her clothing, avoiding Reese's look. Brushing off the snow from her coat, she motioned for them to continue their trek. [color=a2d39c][b]"I don't know about you guys, but I'm [i]dying[/i] to reach the cabins already."[/b][/color] And so, their little group marched on. After a little while more of facing the blizzard, they arrived at the top of the plateau as the storm dissipated to a light flurry. The sight of the cabins thrilled Olivia, the excitement warming her legs and filling her with happiness and determination. [color=a2d39c][b]"Come on, slowpokes! The blizzard's gone, we don't have to be as slow anymore!"[/b][/color] the girl laughed playfully, making a face at Connor as she took back her supplies. Olivia bounded ahead, scampering through the snow as she made her way towards the wooden structures. Warmth greeted her as she entered one of the cabins, throwing her bag on one of the cots and flopping upon her back. While weariness plagued her, the fright that afflicted her back on the slope made her restless. Olivia soon leaped back to her feet, darting back outside. The rest of the cadets were slowing arriving, and she watched them for a moment before focusing on the flurry. Specks of white fluttered to the ground, falling upon the ground. It was very pretty, she supposed. Stepping out into the open, she watched as her footprints made imprints upon the earth. Even though it was cold, the scenery was gorgeous. [color=a2d39c][i]It's hard to believe that such a place exists,[/i][/color] she grinned, continuing to study the surrounding area. [/color]