This cool? Name: Apollo Hadrian Gender: Male/Nonbinary Age: 17 Appearance: (I'm still looking for a good image. I might end up drawing it myself. Anyways…) Narrow face, long dark hair, amber colored eyes, rather scrawny frame, pouty lips (but that's not too noticeable since he's always scowling), long fingers, tan-ish complexion. (I'll attach an image file later) Desire: True freedom. Apollo doesn't care about much, but one of the few things that he cares most about the ability to decide things for himself and to live his own life. He wants to live without anyone else influencing who he is. Personality: Literally gives absolutely no f***s whatsoever. One of his prime motivators to do anything at all is the chance that he'll have fun. This makes him a bit of a jerk, considering that his apathy extends to how he treats other people. He still doesn't care about much at all, but now that he has desire, he's a bit more touchy than before and does not react well to being told what to do, even if he knows that he is being irrational. Ability: Speed. At first, that just meant being able to move really quickly. However, he will soon learn that if he can get fast enough, the possibilities of what his power can bring him are………interesting Weapon: A nondescript steel knife. Backstory: He was always a sort of a loner, mostly because of his abrasive personality. But one day, while randomly wandering the streets of his city, he heard some rumors about a group of rebels against everything that society stood for. Needless to say, he was intrigued, and over time, that intrigue spun out of control and morphed into an obsession. His eagerness to find out what was going on led him to start "looking for trouble." (I'll be explaining more of his backstory as I go along. I want some of the missing information to affect the way his character develops)